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I have always wanted to have a massage ....what happens during the appointment? And do I have to take everything off?

Go ahead and book your massage, it feels great and does lots of good things for bodies!

Wear something loose and comfy to your appointment - something that won't mark with oil. We will ask you to complete a consultation form, this is to check that you have no underlying health issues which may be affected by the treatment and to find out a little about you. You will then be taken through into the treatment room , shown the massage couch and told how we would like you to prepare then left to get ready. We ask ladies to remove clothing down to their underwear (many ladies also remove their bra but this a personal choice) and gents to wear a pair of shorts. We have large towels on our massage couches and ask you to cover yourself before we come back into the room - don't worry,we check you are ready and covered before we come in! During the massage we only uncover the area we are working on - contrary to what a lot of people imagine!

Why is it important that you are fully qualified?

Beauty therapy training is much longer and harder than most people realise - the treatments often may look and seems very simple and straightforward but this is often because we have practiced them over and over for hours! Full time beauty therapy training teaches us not only the practical treatments but also what is going inside the body, this gives us a much greater understanding of the body and its' systems enabling us to give better treatments. Would you prefer send your car to a mechanic who had only done a few hours' training in basic car maintenance or a fully-qualified mechanic with years of experience behind him?!

Why do I need to have a patch test before I get my eyelashes tinted?

All beauty salons should carry out a patch test before eyelash tinting - this is when a small amount of the mixed tint (or glue/relevant product) is applied usually behind the ear, the crook of the elbow or inner arm. It is a check to see whether or not you are sensitive to the product before it is applied to your eyelashes. If you react to the test the skin may itch, sting, tingle, redden or swell - imagine if this was your eyelids! Even though many people say 'they are willing to take the risk' and have treatment without the patch test, it is actually a legal requirement and so must always be carried out for the insurance policy to be valid. We always carry out patch testing before tinting, eyelash extensions and eyelash lifting but do remember that just because the patch test doesn't react, you may still experience a reaction at any time and so the patch test is not a guarantee that all will be fine during or even after the treatment.

Just Beauty

No.1 New Parade, Cromer. Norfolk NR27 9EP

01263 515348

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